best time of year to visit prague vienna budapest

Best Time to Visit prague vienna budapest

Prague, Vienna, and Budapest are some of the most popular destinations in Central Europe, each with its unique charm and attractions. While these cities can be visited year-round, the best time to visit may vary depending on your personal preferences and interests.


Prague is a beautiful city, known for its old-world charm with stunning architecture, cobblestone streets, and rich history. The city experiences warm summers and cold, snowy winters, and shoulder seasons of spring and fall.

The best time to visit Prague is during the shoulder seasons of April to May or September to November. During these months, the weather is mild, temperatures are around 15 – 20°C, and the peak tourist season is still a few months away. These periods offer the perfect opportunity to explore the city without jostling with crowds.

June to August is the high season in Prague when tourists flock to the city. The weather is warm, and there are many outdoor events and festivals to enjoy. However, the humidity can be oppressive, and the crowds can make it challenging to get around and find accommodation.

Winter in Prague, from December to February, can be bitterly cold, and attractions close early. Still, the city also offers some exciting winter activities, such as ice skating in Old Town Square and experiencing the Christmas markets.


The Austrian capital is a city of grandeur and elegance, known for its imperial past, rich cultural heritage, and classical music. Vienna experiences a continental climate, bringing cold, snowy winters as well as hot summers.

The best time to visit Vienna is during the shoulder seasons of April to May and September to October, when the weather is pleasant, and the crowds are not overwhelming. During these periods, you’ll be able to tour famous museums, soak up the city’s rich culture, and enjoy the great outdoors without the heat or the cold.

Vienna’s high season falls during July and August when the weather is hot and sunny, and the city’s outdoor cafes, restaurants, and parks come alive. During this time, tourists flock to the city, making it crowded, and hotel prices soar.

December is also a popular time to visit Vienna, mainly because of the magical Christmas markets. You can indulge in the warm, spicy aroma of Glühwein and shop for traditional handicrafts, while enjoying the city’s festive cheer.


Budapest is a city famed for its thermal baths, stunning architecture, and vibrant nightlife. The city experiences a temperate climate, with hot summers and cold winters.

The best time to visit Budapest is during the shoulder seasons of March to May and September to November when temperatures are moderate (around 20°C), and crowds are thinner. During these months, you can enjoy the city’s myriad of attractions without the hot, scorching sun and large crowds.

June to August is peak tourist season in Budapest, with plentiful cultural festivals, concerts, and outdoor events. The weather is warm, but at times stifling, with temperatures reaching up to 30°C and above.

Winter in Budapest can be incredibly cold, with temperatures dropping to as low as -5°C. However, the city’s stunning architecture, historic thermal baths, and ice skating rinks make for a unique winter experience. Visiting Budapest during the Christmas season, when the city is decked out in festive lights and decorations, is another popular option.

In conclusion, whether you’re planning to visit Prague, Vienna, or Budapest, the best time to visit these cities is during the shoulder seasons of spring and autumn when the weather is mild, the crowds are thinner, and hotel prices are lower. Whether you’re interested in culture, history, architecture, or food, you’ll find something to suit your tastes in these amazing cities.

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